Dr. Cheryl Meier

Psychology Of Creating Your Best Life

Dr. Cheryl Meier



Do you long to improve your life in a meaningful way but you don’t know how?

My name is Dr. Cheryl Meier. I am an author, former co-host of a national call-in radio show, and I have been a psychologist for over 20 years. I found a new way to bring the most incredible therapy right to YOU— in a creative way, that is online, self paced, and it gives you all the benefits you have been looking for!

Did you know that YOU are not your mind?

YOU are the one observing your thoughts!

Most people live their whole life without connecting to their real essence, the core of who they truly are!

We often live in habitual patterns, reactions, adaptations we learned in order to adapt in childhood! But these patterns sabotage us and create depression, anxiety, or addictions in our every day life.

Some people feel trapped or numb and they don’t know why!
You are missing out on your true potential!

You are not even getting to know the real YOU! Your loved ones aren’t getting to know the real YOU!

When you don’t take the time to “look up”, then you are carried along by the outer world!


Do you long to improve your life in a meaningful way but you don’t know how?

My name is Dr. Cheryl Meier. I am an author, co-host of a national calling show, and I have been a psychologist for over 20 years. I found a new way to bring the most incredible therapy right to YOU— in a creative way, that is online, self paced, and it gives you all the benefits you have been looking for!

Did you know that YOU are not your mind?

YOU are the one observing your thoughts!

Most people live their whole life without connecting to their real essence, the core of who they truly are!

We often live in habitual patterns, reactions, adaptations we learned in order to adapt in childhood! But these patterns sabotage us and create depression, anxiety, or addictions in our every day life.
Some people feel trapped or numb and they don’t know why!

You are missing out on your true potential!

You are not even getting to know the real YOU! Your loved ones aren’t getting to know the real YOU!

When you don’t take the time to “look up”, then you are carried along by the outer world!

Who I Help

Have you ever heard the phrase:

”Let the dead bury the dead, you come and walk along-side me…” ?

What does it mean to be “dead” inside? Where is this enlightened teacher inviting us to go to instead?

 “You come, follow me on this path of higher love, higher consciousness, and alignment!”

This is a deep teaching, a mystery to unfold, showing us that there are levels of consciousness! Some are higher and some are lower. When you are in the lower states of consciousness, your life is dull, depressing, full of drama, excuses, and monotony!
You deserve SO MUCH more than this!

When we unconsciously stay in these lower states of consciousness — we think it is because of outer circumstances, but the outer is often a kind of reflection of our inner state. It is a reflection of our inner transformation or lack thereof!

Your level of true happiness, your mood, and other areas of our lives can all reflect this pattern of lack!

Sometimes we had “permission” to excel in certain areas of our lives, but we are still not feeling that inner freedom and richness, the deep love, intimacy, and belonging that we long for!

How do you turn all of this around? How do you learn true alchemy, turning lead into gold?

Your present pain is a calling for you to dig deeper! You are meant to have a beautiful life with passion, purpose, depth, and deep love!

Who I Help

Have you ever heard the phrase:

”Let the dead bury the dead, you come and join me…” ?

What does it mean to be “dead” inside? Where is this enlightened teacher inviting us to go to instead?

 “You come, follow me on this path of higher love, higher consciousness, and alignment!”
This is a deep teaching, a mystery to unfold, showing us that there are levels of consciousness! Some are higher and some are lower. When you are in the lower states of consciousness, your life is dull, depressing, full of drama, excuses, and monotony!

You deserve SO MUCH more than this!

When you unconsciously stay in these lower states of consciousness — you think it is because of outer circumstances, but the outer is often a kind of reflection of your inner state. It is a reflection of your inner transformation or lack thereof!

Your level of true happiness, your mood, and other areas of your life can all reflect this pattern of lack!

Sometimes we had “permission” to excel in certain areas of our lives, but we are still not feeling that inner freedom and richness, the deep love, intimacy, and belonging that we long for!

How do you turn all of this around? How do you learn true alchemy, turning lead into gold?

Your present pain is a calling for you to look for higher solutions! You are meant to have a beautiful life with passion, purpose, depth, and deep love!
I am a person who stops at NOTHING until I find the BEST resources and healing for myself, my students, and clients! I want the highest and best for YOU.

I was led by my intuition* (*inner knowing) to Eckhart Tolle’s book “The Power of Now”! I was in my own “dark night of the soul” and the intense pain brought me to a solution that felt light-years above and ahead of the traditional therapy I had been doing in the office and going to for myself!

I found a way to bring this same solution to YOU! It seems so simple, but it has to do with something people are afraid to practice!

Deep presence! Being in the Now! Experiencing yourself as the Observer of the thoughts!
I am a person who stops at NOTHING until I find the BEST resources and healing for myself, my students, and clients! I want the highest and best for YOU.

I was led by my intuition* (*inner knowing) to Eckhart Tolle’s book “The Power of Now”! I was in my own “dark night of the soul” and the intense pain brought me to a solution that felt light-years above and ahead of the traditional therapy I had been doing in the office and going to for myself!

I found a way to bring this same solution to YOU! It seems so simple, but it has to do with something people are afraid to practice!

Deep presence! Being in the Now! Experiencing yourself as the Observer of the thoughts!
When I ask myself:

“Why are we all so scared to be in the present moment?”

The answer I got surprised me:

“because when we were wild and free in our child essence, the busy, shut-down, overstressed, or somewhat unconscious people   
 around us didn’t welcome that part of ourselves, so we learned to shut him or her down too!"

You see, we all have this fear that:

1. We are going to be rejected,
2. Then what if we find out we’re “not enough”,
3. Then we won’t have love,
4. Then we will die from a lack of love!

So we avoid the inner work because it could expose a weakness, but by not going there we are agreeing to stay “asleep” or “numb” or running to escapes all the time to bring us a borrowed “high” (like dopamine hits of social media and our phones).

What if you found out that you ARE LOVE?!

You are created out of Love, and this is your very essence!

Our pain, from not being accepted in our very essence in childhood, drove us to create a mask. A personality self. Egotism.

When you get in the present moment, those masks start burning away and you finally get to know your true essence and feel ALIVE again!
When I ask myself:

“Why are we all so scared to be in the present moment?”

The answer I got surprised me:

“because when we were wild and free in our child essence, the busy, shut-down, overstressed, or clueless people (parents) around us didn’t welcome that part of ourselves, so we learned to shut him or her down too!"

You see, we all have this fear that:

1. We are going to be rejected,
2. Then what if we find out we’re “not enough”,
3. Then we won’t have love,
4. Then we will die from a lack of love!

So we avoid the inner work because it could expose a weakness, but by not going there we are agreeing to stay “asleep” or “numb” or running to escapes all the time to bring us a borrowed “high” (like dopamine hits of social media and our phones).

What if you found out that you ARE LOVE?!

You are created out of Love, and this is your very essence!

Our pain, from not being accepted in our very essence in childhood, drove us to create a mask. A personality self. Egotism.

When you get in the present moment, those masks start burning away and you finally get to know your true essence and feel ALIVE again!

How I Help

I help you by creating an environment where your transformation can take place!

“Why is life so much better when we align ourselves with the present moment? Because the Now is the only place where life happens. If you habitually resist the present moment or see it as an obstacle or even an enemy, then you’re never really fully alive. This dysfunctional state of consciousness keeps you trapped in unease, unhappiness, anxiety, stress, frustration, and so on. Most of your Doing becomes stressful and ultimately pointless, because you are not rooted in the dimension of Being.”
~ Eckhart Tolle

Remember, you are a human BEing first, not a human DOing.

I often repeat this mantra to myself:

“All I have to do is BE.”
Your solution and results:

When you are internally aligned with the Now, you open yourself to the experience of peace and ease, you discover the doorway to true creativity, your relationships improve dramatically, and, ultimately, you realize that who and what you really are is something far beyond anything you could possibly conceive with the mind.

~ Eckhart Tolle
I was so inspired by the deep healing and love I received after applying Eckhart’s teaching to my own life! I never want to keep all of these riches to myself — I always want to share them! It is part of our truest essence! So I naturally thought:

How can I create a way and a community to walk people through this journey so that they can have the courage to really be deeply present to the deepest part of their soul?

How I Help

I help you by creating an environment where your transformation can take place!

“Why is life so much better when we align ourselves with the present moment? Because the Now is the only place where life happens. If you habitually resist the present moment or see it as an obstacle or even an enemy, then you’re never really fully alive. This dysfunctional state of consciousness keeps you trapped in unease, unhappiness, anxiety, stress, frustration, and so on. Most of your Doing becomes stressful and ultimately pointless, because you are not rooted in the dimension of Being.”
~ Eckhart Tolle

Remember, you are a human BEing first, not a human DOing.

I often repeat this mantra to myself:

“All I have to do is BE.”
Your solution and results:

When you are internally aligned with the Now, you open yourself to the experience of peace and ease, you discover the doorway to true creativity, your relationships improve dramatically, and, ultimately, you realize that who and what you really are is something far beyond anything you could possibly conceive with the mind.

~ Eckhart Tolle
I was so inspired by the deep healing and love I received after applying Eckhart’s teaching to my own life! I never want to keep all of these riches to myself — I always want to share them! It is part of our truest essence! So I naturally thought:

How can I create a way and a community to walk people through this journey so that they can have the courage to really be deeply present to the deepest part of their soul?
I’ve spent more than a quarter of a million dollars on my education (getting my doctorate) plus my own therapy, and the trainings I’ve received from people like Eckhart Tolle live classess, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and this “million dollar” intervention I was fortunate enough to receive from Tony and Sage Robbins.
This experience and working alongside people just like you, for the past 22 years is priceless!

I have confidence that each of you will transform so much over the journey in this course! Feel free to see the testimonies!

I know how much I have healed and transformed from just creating this class! I went from a size 12 to a size 4 in 11 months! That’s 40+ pound weight loss!

This experience and working alongside people just like you, for the past 22 years is priceless!

I have confidence that each of you will transform so much over the journey in this course! Look at my testimonies already!

I know how much I have healed and transformed from just creating this class! I went from a size 12 to a size 4 in 11 months! That’s 40+ pound weight loss!
We are all students of life!

Why not unlock the very most our of your life? Why not find out why you are here? What your purpose is!

You will experience a richness in your inner relationship, your spiritual connection, all your relationships and then set higher standards in your work and home environment.

This all happens when you are committed to living the highest and best love within yourself.

We are invited to:
 “Seek first the kingdom of God, of Divine Love”

and we are told:
“The kingdom of God/Divine Love is within you”

What does this mean? It certainly is a mystery, to enter into, but will you dare? Just because it is a mystery at first, does not mean it is unknowable!

The truth is a many sided diamond!

As we approach and embody truth the shining light shines more brightly in us and through us!
We are all students of life! Why not unlock the very most our of your life? Why not find out why you are here? What your purpose is!

You will experience a richness in your inner relationship, your spiritual connection, all your relationships and then set higher standards in your work and home environment.
This all happens when you are committed to living the highest and best love within yourself.

We are invited to:
 “Seek first the kingdom of God, of Divine Love”

and we are told:
“The kingdom of God/Divine Love is within you”

What does this mean? It certainly is a mystery, to enter into, but will you dare? Just because it is a mystery at first, does not mean it is unknowable!

The truth is a many sided diamond! As we approach and embody truth the shining light shines more brightly in us and through us!

My dear soul friend Elliott Smith had such a high degree of consciousness! He woke me up and I him!

One of his lyrics:

“I’m tired of dancing on a pot of gold-flaked paint!”
It is by consciously learning to become detached to your own egotism, that we free ourselves. 

The egotism always wants to be fed but leads you to more and more slavery, while it promises you “control” and freedom!

Is someone on cocaine free? They can control their “highs” but their resources get depleted in purchasing more and more, and their brain pathways get fried so they can’t experience the most beautiful simple pleasures in life while they are choosing that path, until and unless their brain can heal!

Think of the time and money you have spent running away from your problems and escaping!

Think of the love you could have been pouring into those around you, had you committed to actually healing your toxic patterns (we do so many from unconscious choices we made to adapt in childhood! )

Deep presence is like standing in the ever brighter dawn of day until we get to high noon and sunset, — it gently reveals everything into the light of love.


Your Loved ones are worth knowing THIS version of you! This is the truest expression of yourself!

The other was a "learned program" you were addicted to. You didn’t know. It’s ok. But now that you are here, you know better!
There is a higher path!

A child “has to” wait. You are the adult now. You have the ability to access grace, unlock this door, and receive love in these deepest places. To be heard, understood, seen, freed, protected, and deeply loved. This is possible. This is your responsibility. This is what makes you truly successful in life!

What are YOU going to do?

What are you going to commit to?

If all we wanted was the deep love, presence, and closeness of our parents in childhood, doesn’t it make logical sense that if you can connect with this, inside yourself, to yourself, by allowing the Love to flow through you— then you would do that?!

They taught you by their actions that you are not worth the effort, but you ARE worth the effort! And by doing this, you unlock your true purpose here and enrich every part of your life and the lives of those connected to you as well!

I wish you so much love and I honor you for reading this! I honor you for choosing to take this next step in your life!
I know what I have paid to get to this place. Many tears, lots of time and money, and facing every fear possible!

Eckhart Tolle says: “die before you die”

and Jesus said: “take up your cross daily!”

What does this mean, to face death? To me it has meant, it felt like I was going to lose everything, over and over and over and over, for me to get to this place!
My dear soul friend Elliott Smith had such a high degree of consciousness! He woke me up and I him!

One of his lyrics:

“I’m tired of dancing on a pot of gold-flaked paint!”
It is by consciously learning to become detached to your own egotism, that we free ourselves. The egotism always wants to be fed but leads you to more and more slavery, while it promises you “control” and freedom!

Is someone on cocaine free? They can control their “highs” but their resources get depleted in purchasing more and more, and their brain pathways get fried so they can’t experience the most beautiful simple pleasures in life while they are choosing that path, until and unless their brain can heal!

Think of the time and money you have spent running away from your problems and escaping!

Think of the love you could have been pouring into those around you, had you committed to actually healing your toxic patterns (we do so many from unconscious choices we made to adapt in childhood! )

Deep presence is like standing in the ever brighter dawn of day until we get to high noon and sunset, — it gently reveals everything into the light of love.


Your Loved ones are worth knowing THIS version of you! This is the truest expression of yourself!

The other was a program you were addicted to. You didn’t know. It’s ok. But now that you are here, you know better!
There is a higher path!

Wake up to your Divine Potential!

You now have the opportunity to truly attend to and bring healing, truth, grace, and freedom to your pain!

This is your journey now!

A child “has to” wait. You are the adult now. You have the ability to access grace, unlock this door, and receive love in these deepest places. To be heard, understood, seen, freed, protected, and deeply loved. This is possible. This is your responsibility. This is what makes you truly successful in life!

What are YOU going to do?

What are you going to commit to?

If all we wanted was the deep love, presence, and closeness of our parents in childhood, doesn’t it make logical sense that if you can connect with this, inside yourself, to yourself, by allowing the Love to flow through you— then you would do that?!

They taught you by their actions that you are not worth the effort, but you ARE worth the effort! And by doing this, you unlock your true purpose here and enrich every part of your life and the lives of those connected to you as well!

I wish you so much love and I honor you for reading this! I honor you for choosing to take this next step in your life!
DR. CHERYL MEIER © 2022 - All Rights Reserved.
 Email: drcheryl@ drcherylmeier.com
 Contact: (+1) 949-481-8041
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